


Out of stock


Set of 128 cards from the Ents of Fangorn set of the Lord of the Rings Trading card game produced by Decipher cards.

No.        Title                                     Type                          Culture      Rarity

6 C 1      Bound By Rage                             Condition                     Dunland      Common
6 C 2      Dunlending Elder                          Minion - Man                  Dunland      Common
6 C 3      Dunlending Footmen                        Minion - Man                  Dunland      Common
6 C 4      Dunlending Headman                        Minion - Man                  Dunland      Common
6 C 5      Dunlending Reserve                        Minion - Man                  Dunland      Common
6 R 6      Hill Clan                                 Minion - Man                  Dunland      Rare
6 R 7      Ready to Fall                             Condition                     Dunland      Rare
6 U 8      Too Long Have These Peasants Stood        Event                         Dunland      Uncommon
6 U 9      Lend Us Your Aid                          Event                         Dwarven      Uncommon
6 C 10     Suspended Palaces                         Condition                     Dwarven      Common
6 R 11     Toss Me                                   Event                         Dwarven      Rare
6 C 12     Agility                                   Condition                     Elven        Common
6 U 13     Arwen, Evenstar of Her People             Companion - Elf               Elven        Uncommon
6 U 14     Banner of Elbereth                        Possession - Hand Weapon      Elven        Uncommon
6 R 15     Elrond, Keeper of Vilya                   Ally - Home 3 - Elf           Elven        Rare
6 U 16     Forearmed                                 Event                         Elven        Uncommon
6 C 17     Forewarned                                Condition                     Elven        Common
6 R 18     Galadriel, Keeper of Nenya                Ally - Home 6 - Elf           Elven        Rare
6 U 19     Gift of Foresight                         Event                         Elven        Uncommon
6 U 20     Must Be a Dream                           Event                         Elven        Uncommon
6 C 21     Naith Longbow                             Possession - Ranged Weapon    Elven        Common
6 U 22     Naith Troop                               Companion - Elf               Elven        Uncommon
6 R 23     Naith Warband                             Companion - Elf               Elven        Rare
6 U 24     Boomed and Trumpeted                      Event                         Gandalf      Uncommon
6 U 25     Crack Into Rubble                         Event                         Gandalf      Uncommon
6 R 26     Enraged                                   Condition                     Gandalf      Rare
6 C 27     Ent Avenger                               Companion - Ent               Gandalf      Common
6 R 28     Ent Horde                                 Companion - Ent               Gandalf      Rare
6 C 29     Ent Moot                                  Condition                     Gandalf      Common
6 R 30     Gandalf, Mithrandir                       Companion - Wizard            Gandalf      Rare
6 R 31     Glamdring, Lightning Brand                Possession - Hand Weapon      Gandalf      Rare
6 U 32     Host of Fangorn                           Companion - Ent               Gandalf      Uncommon
6 C 33     Quickbeam, Bregalad                       Companion - Ent               Gandalf      Common
6 C 34     Roused                                    Event                         Gandalf      Common
6 R 35     Skinbark, Fladrif                         Companion - Ent               Gandalf      Rare
6 U 36     Threw Down My Enemy                       Event                         Gandalf      Uncommon
6 C 37     Treebeard, Guardian of the Forest         Companion - Ent               Gandalf      Common
6 C 38     Don't Follow the Lights                   Event                         Gollum       Common
6 R 39     Don't Look at Them                        Condition                     Gollum       Rare
6 C 40     Gollum, Old Villain                       Minion                        Gollum       Common
6 R 41     Master Broke His Promise                  Event                         Gollum       Rare
6 C 42     Nasty, Foul Hobbitses                     Event                         Gollum       Common
6 C 43     Not Listening                             Event                         Gollum       Common
6 R 44     Safe Paths                                Event                         Gollum       Rare
6 C 45     Sméagol, Poor Creature                    Companion                     Gollum       Common
6 R 46     They Stole It                             Condition                     Gollum       Rare
6 C 47     You're a Liar and a Thief                 Event                         Gollum       Common
6 C 48     Anborn, Skilled Huntsman                  Companion - Man               Gondor       Common
6 R 49     Ancient Roads                             Condition                     Gondor       Rare
6 R 50     Aragorn, Defender of Free Peoples         Companion - Man               Gondor       Rare
6 U 51     Banner of Westernesse                     Possession - Hand Weapon      Gondor       Uncommon
6 C 52     Garrison of Osgiliath                     Condition                     Gondor       Common
6 C 53     Mortal Men                                Event                         Gondor       Common
6 U 54     Perilous Ventures                         Event                         Gondor       Uncommon
6 R 55     Ring of Barahir                           Artifact - Ring               Gondor       Rare
6 C 56     Trust                                     Event                         Gondor       Common
6 R 57     Agents of Orthanc                         Minion - Man                  Isengard     Rare
6 U 58     Assault Ladder                            Condition                     Isengard     Uncommon
6 C 59     Banner of Isengard                        Possession - Hand Weapon      Isengard     Common
6 R 60     Berserk Butcher                           Minion - Uruk-hai             Isengard     Rare
6 U 61     Desertion                                 Condition                     Isengard     Uncommon
6 R 62     Fires and Foul Fumes                      Event                         Isengard     Rare
6 U 63     Gnawing, Biting, Hacking, Burning         Condition                     Isengard     Uncommon
6 U 64     Iron Fist of the Orc                      Condition                     Isengard     Uncommon
6 C 65     Isengard Artisan                          Minion - Orc                  Isengard     Common
6 U 66     Isengard Builder                          Minion - Orc                  Isengard     Uncommon
6 C 67     Isengard Journeyman                       Minion - Orc                  Isengard     Common
6 R 68     Isengard Mechanics                        Minion - Orc                  Isengard     Rare
6 C 69     Isengard Plodder                          Minion - Orc                  Isengard     Common
6 U 70     Isengard Tender                           Minion - Orc                  Isengard     Uncommon
6 C 71     Isengard Tinker                           Minion - Orc                  Isengard     Common
6 C 72     Rohirrim Traitor                          Minion - Man                  Isengard     Common
6 U 73     Scaffolding                               Possession                    Isengard     Uncommon
6 R 74     Sharku, Vile Marauder                     Minion - Orc                  Isengard     Rare
6 U 75     Twisted Tales                             Condition                     Isengard     Uncommon
6 R 76     The Balrog, Terror of Flame and Shadow    Minion - Balrog               Moria        Rare
6 R 77     Durin's Tower                             Condition                     Moria        Rare
6 R 78     Easterling Army                           Minion - Man                  Raider       Rare
6 U 79     Easterling Polearm                        Possession - Hand Weapon      Raider       Uncommon
6 R 80     Southron Archer Legion                    Minion - Man                  Raider       Rare
6 C 81     Southron Invaders                         Minion - Man                  Raider       Common
6 R 82     Trample                                   Event                         Raider       Rare
6 U 83     Fell Beast                                Possession - Mount            Ringwraith   Uncommon
6 U 84     Spied From Above                          Condition                     Ringwraith   Uncommon
6 R 85     Sword of Dol Guldur                       Possession - Hand Weapon      Ringwraith   Rare
6 U 86     Ulairë Lemenya, Winged Hunter             Minion - Nazgûl               Ringwraith   Uncommon
6 U 87     Ulairë Nertëa, Winged Hunter              Minion - Nazgûl               Ringwraith   Uncommon
6 R 88     Ulairë Toldëa, Winged Sentry              Minion - Nazgûl               Ringwraith   Rare
6 R 89     Winged and Ominous                        Condition                     Ringwraith   Rare
6 U 90     Banner of the Mark                        Possession - Hand Weapon      Rohan        Uncommon
6 U 91     Blood Has Been Spilled                    Condition                     Rohan        Uncommon
6 R 92     Éomer, Rohirrim Captain                   Companion - Man               Rohan        Rare
6 U 93     Ever the Hope of Men                      Event                         Rohan        Uncommon
6 R 94     Háma, Doorward of Théoden                 Companion - Man               Rohan        Rare
6 C 95     Hrethel, Rider of Rohan                   Companion - Man               Rohan        Common
6 R 96     News From the Mark                        Event                         Rohan        Rare
6 C 97     We Left None Alive                        Condition                     Rohan        Common
6 C 98     Banner of the Eye                         Possession - Hand Weapon      Sauron       Common
6 C 99     Corpse Lights                             Minion - Wraith               Sauron       Common
6 C 100    Dead Ones                                 Minion - Wraith               Sauron       Common
6 R 101    Gate Picket                               Minion - Orc                  Sauron       Rare
6 C 102    Gate Sentry                               Minion - Orc                  Sauron       Common
6 R 103    Gate Troll                                Minion - Troll                Sauron       Rare
6 U 104    Orc Insurgent                             Minion - Orc                  Sauron       Uncommon
6 U 105    Peril                                     Condition                     Sauron       Uncommon
6 R 106    Troll of Udûn                             Minion - Troll                Sauron       Rare
6 U 107    Troll's Chain                             Possession - Hand Weapon      Sauron       Uncommon
6 C 108    Wisp of Pale Sheen                        Minion - Wraith               Sauron       Common
6 R 109    Held                                      Condition                     Shire        Rare
6 U 110    It Burns Us                               Event                         Shire        Uncommon
6 C 111    Kept Safe                                 Condition                     Shire        Common
6 C 112    Long Slow Wrath                           Event                         Shire        Common
6 R 113    Merry, Impatient Hobbit                   Companion - Hobbit            Shire        Rare
6 R 114    Pippin, Hastiest of All                   Companion - Hobbit            Shire        Rare
6 U 115    Rocks of Emyn Muil                        Site                                       Uncommon
6 U 116    Westfold                                  Site                                       Uncommon
6 U 117    Meduseld                                  Site                                       Uncommon
6 U 118    Hornburg Hall                             Site                                       Uncommon
6 U 119    Valley of Saruman                         Site                                       Uncommon
6 U 120    Saruman's Laboratory                      Site                                       Uncommon
6 P 121    Faramir, Ithilien Ranger                  Companion - Man               Gondor       Premium
6 P 122    The Witch-king, Deathless Lord            Minion - Nazgûl               Ringwraith   Premium
6 R 123    Enraged [alternate image]                 Condition                     Gandalf      Premium
6 R 124    Skinbark, Fladrif [alt. image]            Companion - Ent               Gandalf      Premium
6 R 125    Don't Look at Them [alt. image]           Condition                     Gollum       Premium
6 R 126    Ancient Roads [alt. image]                Condition                     Gondor       Premium
6 R 127    Isengard Mechanics [alt. image]           Minion - Orc                  Isengard     Premium
6 R 128    Gate Troll [alternate image]              Minion - Troll                Sauron       Premium